
Export office 365 contacts to csv powershell
Export office 365 contacts to csv powershell

export office 365 contacts to csv powershell

Contact # | Export-Clixml James.Reynolds. the reply adddress ) I have PowerShell command that exports email addresses but. Content ) # Retrieve contacts $contacts = $xmlItemResponse. Assigning Calendar Permissions in Exchange/Microsoft 365 Mailbox Using.

export office 365 contacts to csv powershell

Content Write-Verbose ( "Item Response: " + $ItemResponse. Powershell function Export-Contacts # SOAP message for getting contacts $getItems = "" + " " + " " + " " + " $User" + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " " + " AllProperties" + " " + " " + $ItemIds + " " + " " + " " + "" Write-Verbose "Item Request: $getItems" # Invoke request and convert to XML document $ItemResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $webServiceUrl -Credential $Credentials -Body $getItems -Method Post -Headers $Headers $xmlItemResponse = $ItemResponse. Help Googlers (was very hard to find much info!!)

export office 365 contacts to csv powershell

The hard part was making sense of how to remove the phone email and address data, which I mostly figured out through trial and error. Text First Name,Middle Name,Last Name,Nickname,E-mail Address,E-mail 2 Address,E-mail 3 Address,Home Phone,Home Phone 2,Business Phone,Business Phone 2,Mobile Phone,Car Phone,Other Phone,Primary Phone,Pager,Business Fax,Home Fax,Other Fax,Company Main Phone,Callback,Radio Phone,Telex,TTY/TDD Phone,Job Title,Department,Company,Office Location,Manager's Name,Assistant's Name,Assistant's Phone,Business Street,Business City,Business State,Business Postal Code,Business Country/Region,Home Street,Home City,Home State,Home Postal Code,Home Country/Region,Other Street,Other City,Other State,Other Postal Code,Other Country/Region,Spouse,Web Page,Birthday,Anniversary,ISDN,Notes,Contact Picture 396 066,11,22,77,929,8450123445,01,01,01,01,01,01,callback,01,01,01,Burger Flipper,Burger Making,McDonalds,MB423,Boss Name,assistant!,01,Street,Birmingham,England,B4 EAT,England,Avenue,Kent,England,3JN,England,100 Other Road,Other City,State? What state!,Postcode,Otherland,Your Wife, are the notes,

Export office 365 contacts to csv powershell